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10-12 мая 2018 Одесса "Идентификация при массивной травме"

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Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Odessa National Medical University

Association of Forensic-medical Examiners of Ukraine

65082 Ukraine, Odessa, Valikhovskiy lane, 2 (048) 723-22-25

[email protected]


Odessa national medical university and Association of forensic-medical examiners of Ukraine inform You, that on the 10th-12th of May, 2018 in Odessa an international practical-scientific conference “Organization and performing of complex means in the case of massive traumatism to identify the person” will be held.

Main directions of the conference:


- modern aspects of person’s identification in the case of forensic-medical examination;

- legislative regulation of forensic-medical examinations in the case of person’s identification;

- new complex approach of person’s identification in the case of large number of victims (including in the result of blast injury)


Forms of participation in conference are as follows::


- oral report and publication of the article;

- publication of the article;

- listener.


Official languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English.


To participate in conference it is necessary to send application form on the e-mail [email protected] till the 1st of May, 2018 року (supplement 1).


Requirements for the oral report:

oral report should be no longer than 10 minutes. Speech in discussion – till 3 minutes. Authors of the works, which will be chosen by the commission for oral report, will receive till the 1st of April, 2018 a notification.


Materials of the conference will be published in scientific-practical reviewing journal “Forensic-medical expertise”, which is professional from medical sciences in specialty “forensic-medical expertise” (see supplement 2)


Plenary sessions will be held at the conference hall of hotel “Arcadia” (Odessa, Genuezskaya str., 24-a)


The accommodation of the participants of the conference will be in hotel “Arcadia”


On all matters, related to conference, contact Umanskiy Dmitriy (e-mail: [email protected], phone number +38-050-549-74-51, WhatsApp, Viber +38-063-127-36-02)


Head of the department of forensic medicine

of Odessa national medical university,

head of the Odessa regional bureau of

forensic-medical examinations,

M.D., professor Grigoriy Krivda


Head of the Association of

forensic-medical examiners of Ukraine,

member of Ministry’s of Health of Ukraine

expert group on forensic-medical expertise,

Ph.D., associate professor,

Honoured doctor of Ukraine Valeriy Vojchenko


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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    • Kota
      Знания должны быть свободными и вы сделали еще один шаг на пути к их свободе.
    • ТМВ
      Я так понял, что ТС вовсе не писала никаких заявлений о неправильном лечении. А посему хочет воспрепятствовать эксгумации. СК сам по себе начал свои инициативы (госзаказ?)
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